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2005 Map & Times!

Mark Your Calendar! Sunday, April 24th is the 2005 Opening of the Beaches Parade. Join us for an unforgettable experience!


The Jacksonville Beach

Join Us Sunday, April 24th For The 2005 Opening of the Beaches Parade!

Map & Details

You never know what this year's parade may bring....

We'll meet at:

617 5th Street North, Jacksonville Beach

Try to get there between 10:30 and 11 a.m., to make sure you can find a parking spot on the street! Jud & Linda are providing plenty of hot dogs and fixings. Bring along a side dish (or 2 or 3) and an adequate supply of your preferred beverages (for strength). We will not be passing out candy to the peasant children as we're parading past. Our Conch Queen stated sublimely, "Let them eat cake!"

Remember, the earlier you get there, the easier the parking! Feel free to come by anytime after 10 and hang, sleep, or wander, but we all need to be in the parade line around 12:00 noon for the start. Be sure to bring along your favorite Conch Shell Horn!

Use the email or phone below to let us know you'll be there!

This could be the greatest
experience of your life!!
(we hope not, but it could be!)

Click Here To Email Jud & Linda Spence
(904) 246-4445

Copyright 2002-2005 TJBCSHMB