About The Band

The 2004 Parade

The 2003 Parade

Parades Past

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2005 Map & Times!

Mark Your Calendar! Sunday, April 24th is the 2005 Opening of the Beaches Parade. Join us for an unforgettable experience!

IMPORTANT! If you're planning on joining us this year, give Linda or Jud a call right away at (904) 246-4445!

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The Jacksonville Beach
Join Us Sunday, April 24th For The 2005 Opening of the Beaches Parade!
Click Here For Details & Map

While most people don't think about it, the economy of Florida would become depressed if our beaches failed to open each year. Recognizing this, a small group has dedicated itself to making sure that the Jacksonville Beach "Opening of the Beaches" Celebration & Parade takes place on Sunday April 24, 2005 with proper pomp and circumstance, and enthusiasm, and revelry, and lubrication, and festive attire, and superb musicianship, and too many other talents to list here. This small cadre has become, in effect, the groundstone of the entire economy of North Florida, We are...

The Jacksonville Beach

You are here because of destiny, to carry this torch of fellowship and celebration (If you don't know why you're here, read About The Band and you will understand your true calling)! Conchers meet together before the parade in fellowship and lubrication, then musically fulfill our commitment to bring joy to the masses through our music.


So, join us Sunday, April 24th around 10:00 AM. Remember, the earlier you get there, the easier the parking! Click Here For Details & Map And Email or Call Jud & Linda right away!

View Past Openings Of The Beaches Parades >>

(Lots of Conchers have provided this unofficial history of The Band... a special thanks to Paige & Alan Gnann who sent a bunch of the ones on this site)